Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Prakruti Annual Conference 2025 was organized on 10th Jan’2025. This year it was second annual conference organized by Prakruti Education and Research Foundation’s Prakruti Research Institute organized in association with RCUES of All India Institute of Local Self Government, Mumbai which works under Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India and CII – IGBC. Reciclar Technologies Pvt Ltd, Empower Education, Memtrix Technologies Pvt Ltd were the associate partners for the Event and Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire and Women Entrepreneurs’ Enclave (WEE) were supporting partners.

Chief Guest for the Event was Dr. Jairaj Phatak, IAS (Retd), past Municipal Commissioner, BMC and Director General, AIILSG, Mumbai

The Eminent Speakers for the Event were Dr. Sunita Purushottam, Head, CSR & Sustainability, Mahindra Lifespaces Ltd who spoke on “Sustainable Urbanization”, Dr. Mala Singh, Chairperson, CII IGBC Mumbai Center who spoke on “Green Building Movement of India”, Dr. Milind Kulkarni, Director, Prakruti Research Institute & Prachi Services Inc who spoke on “Computation of Carbon Footprint and Strategies to become Carbon Neutral”, Dr. Ajit Salvi, Director, RCUES, who spoke on “Green Energy” and Rtn Alpa Shah, President, Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire who spoke on “Sustainability through financial empowerment of women and weaker sections of society”.

Panel Discussion on Topic “Environmental Issues of Mumbai and Solutions” was moderated by Dr Ajit Salvi for which the Panellists were Dr. Prashant Bhave, Professor (Adjunct) Environmental Engg. VJTI, Mr. Yogen Parikh, past president, Indian Environmental Association, Dr. Milind Kulkarni and Smt Revati Shidhaye, Executive Engineer, BMC

Second Panel Discussion on “Pros and Cons of Green Buildings” was coordinated by Dr Milind Kulkarni and the Eminent Panellists for the same were Dr. C. J. Rao, Ret Executive Engineer, MHADA, Mr. Harvinder Matharoo, Interior Designer and Mr. Pramod Daspute, Energy Auditor

Other Eminent Speakers for the Event were Mr. Sunil Doshi, Consulting Engineer – CII on Topic “GreenCo for Industries”, Mr. Pramod Daspute, Energy  Auditor on Topic “Energy Audit of Commercial Buildings”, Mr. Nikhil Mene, AE, BMC on Topic “Climate Budget of BMC”, Rtn Chaitali Chatterji on Topic “Women Empowerment and Sustainability”, Commercial presentations were conducted by Mr. Mayank Soni- Reciclar Technologies and Mr. Ravi Trivedi – Memtrix Technologies.

At end, certificates were distributed to delegates by Mr. Avinash Kate, Chief Engineer BMC, Rtn Shanta Valluri Gandhi – President Elect Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire

Objective of the Conference :The Entire Event was curated and designed by Dr. Milind Kulkarni who ideated the Theme of the Conference was Green Building, Green Company and Sustainable City. The existence of our planet is in danger due to adverse effects of industrialization and urbanization on environment. The objectives of the conference were to disseminate knowledge in the areas of Green Building, Green Company and Sustainable City to young and mid-level engineers, managers from Government, Municipal Functionaries and industries and also to entrepreneurs. It is heartening to note the conference could get renowned experts from Industry, Government and academecia. The response to conference was very good. It is planned to submit the recommendations regarding various topics to bodied such as BMC, MPCB etc.

The Event was anchored by Rtn Chaitali Chatterjee

Article Written by: Dr. Milind Kulkarni

Edited by: Rtn Chaitali Chatterjee

PRAKRUTI Annual Conference 2025 On Green Building, Green Company And Sustainable City

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