Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

Neha got her dream husband……29th March Bollywood Actress / Producer / Director Neha Bansal marries US NRI Vijay Thakkar. On this occasion Film Personalities and Media Barons solicited this occasion with their presence.  Her marriage journey is none less then any Bollywood Film Story.

Their meet started on……On 10th January they both exchanged their contact nos and 16th they decided to tie the knots and get married.  16th Jan also happened to be Neha parents birthday.  Prior to this date they had never spoken or known each other.


Vijay Thakkar was recruited with US ARMY ealier and now works with a MNC Company in US.  On 29th March she tied the knots at Hotel Sabkutch in Malad and got this marriage registered de day later in Thane Court.

Guest at the marriage treated with amazing Indian food and and entertained with dance performance by Garibo ka Actor Kalyanji Jan and Ankita.

Ahsan Qureshi , Gulshan Pandey, Arvinder Singh, Jishan Bhan, Banvati Jhol, Birbal , Shabina many more from Bollywood Film Industry and Media.      Popular TV actor Gulshan Pandey [ Crime Patrol Fame ] did the Kanyadan  for the Bride while Kishan Bhan was the witness signatory at the court.

Blessings by Kalyanji Jana and Ankita to the newly wed couple.

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