Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

As she received  “World Peace Messenger Award”2019”  on International Platform in  Los Angeles.

“I feel very happy n honoured to recieve one of the Prestigious Award as World Peace Messenger ” in LA.

Its gods blessings,am.great devotee to lord Shiva ,and its my mom behind my every moment of ups n downs and  success. my parents support n love n blessings have brought me today with International recognintion n achievements.”

Also Angel recently got  “STYLE ICON and  Performer of the Year Award 2019”   in Goa  in “Asian Lifestyle and fashion Awards,its the Beauty ,Fashion and the   most Glamourous Award event  across Asia”

Angel is –

“Miss Glamourface World-India “2017”

Niff Miss India -Best “Smile”

“International winner in Germany. 2018”

“Popular Queen of Universe 2019″

Feel very blessed and honoured as am Chosen to receive both the Awards this year..  It was a great experience and memorable time for me .God is Great n Kind”

Angel recently returned from New York and did shows as Celebrity guest along wd Bollywood Hero Raj Kumar Rao and actress Nargis Fakri in New York,  Am very Thankful to  Celebrity promoter Mr Bharat Gorodia ,for being there in los Angeles while recieving the Award.also thankful to Dr Neetu  Singh and Dr.Sir GD Singh for choosing for such a wonderful prestigious Award in Los Angeles” Also thankful to President  Mukesh kaneri ji. Angel Is travelling  to USA and different part of the world promoting our Indian Culture,and with the Mission- “JOIN HANDS FOR THE WORLD PEACE” We r here in the journey of life,we should love n respect each other,we need love ,peace and Happiness in life .

We r not here for hatred ,jealousy and fights ,we should spread peace and happiness in The world”

And I salute our soldiers  at the Border who sacrifices their life to  protect our lives to protect our country.  I salute them,god bless them n their family ,they are  the” real Heros of our Country.” Jai Hind”

We wish u all the best for ur future success. India is proud of u Angel.

By admin