Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

Year 2020 has been kind of a nightmare. I am sure everyone is waiting for it to get over as quickly as possible. However, this year has been a learning lesson as well. From physical health to mental health. Technology has reached its new high where it made possible for most of the people to work from any corner of the world / remotely. We learnt importance of relationships where we met each other without human touch. In short, 2020 was a year of survival.

Now hoping that year 2021 will get something better along and give us all a relief from the pain we all have gone through last year. When it comes to predicting year 2021, I am very hopeful that it will bring smile back to our faces.

It seems that things will start coming back on track and become normal. COVID-19 is not going to remain new normal. It will be washed away by the vaccine and make things better. Year 2021 will have a win over those rigid situations where the whole world was stuck in. However, everyone needs to be more careful and alert by not repeating the mistakes. In fact, learn from those mistakes and make sure this time you deal with those situations in a much better way. Stay prepared for any kind of contingencies.

Year 2021 will bring lot of new opportunities on table. However, growth will be slow in first half of the year. People and economies will start recovering but it will take some time. This may make everyone a little impatient. Patience and perseverance are the keys here. So keep doing the best and go with the flow. One this you need to identify is your potentials and utilise it to the optimum level then the sky will be the limit for progress.

I see that there will be global pacts of partnership between different counties which will open new doors of opportunities globally. This will lead to financial gains, new employment etc. Global markets will improve. All this will take place around last quarter of 2021. Now you can see the level of efforts and patience required in year 2021.

Also, numerologically 2021 translates to number 5. It is a number of finances, business. It will bring financial growth along. For people whose birth number is 5, this year will a turning point in their lives. They will have major life changing events taking place. So as I mentioned earlier patience and perseverance are the keys to success.

Lets have a look how year 2021 is looking in terms of :


As I mentioned earlier, new year will bring in lot of opportunities and growth along. However, do not take any decisions without proper consultation or studying those options in details, else that may create hassles. One may need to work a little more than usual that means more efforts to get on to the path of recovery. Financial decisions may get delayed due to involvement of too many people or outside influence may have impact on decision making


People are drained financially and emotionally because of the trauma of 2020, this flow on effect will  take time to be wiped off.  Hence be careful about physical health which may add holes to your pockets financially. More focus on emotional and mental health is needed so that it will help you to recover faster. Stay active, eat healthy and stay happy.

In terms of economies, Indian economy will prosper in 2021, India will be the winner. Lots of investments, big projects will be executed which will generate a lot of revenue and employment. Foreign investments will pour into the country which will help economy to recover faster.

Global leader like the USA economy will start picking up slowly. Change in leadership will show symptoms of improvement in economy in terms of new opportunities being created, new investment avenues , etc. There will be more focus on health and people at micro level. Leaders should not encourage involvement of too many people in policy and execution as it may influence the decision making.

Surprisingly, China’s recovery will be faster than expected in spite of issues with other countries and impact on their trades. However, China may have certain issues which will suddenly crop up due to controlling nature and put them in hassles. China may come up with new technology which will surprise the world.

In a nutshell, year 2021 looks to be good and expected to be better than 2020. I wish everyone a very happy and a prosperous new year 2021. Stay happy and healthy.

Lots of love and light…………………. Shilpa Roy [Team Karishma Shetty]

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