Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

RENOUNED kathakar shri KAUSHIK JI MAHARAJ ‘S katha was held at Fatehabad in Agra where Mr.Shrivastava being a famous personality of kayastha samaj from film faternity was called as a chief guest of honour to perform lord krishnas arti and seek the blessing of Shri kaushik ji maharaj.Mr.Shrivastava is very popular in Brij mandal as hes very close to many saints and kathavachaks from brij bhoomi.Also he is always a step ahead in religious activities.often he is seen in vrindavan feeding cows and poor people in an around the region.During covid times he was sending help from mumbai.Not only this his humble and pleasing personality attacts the new bies from entettainment industry.He is easily approachable which is rare in people of his strature.

Also Mr.Shrivastava has seved for four consequtive years with INFORMATION and BROADCASTING ministry GOVT.OF INDIA as a censor board panel member.


Producer Director Alok Shrivastava Invited As Chief Guest Of Honour At Shrimad Bhagwat Katha Of Kaushik Ji Maharaj Of Vrindavan


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